Warren-formerly Zibon- has arrived in foster care. His foster mom reports: He appears to be an English Pointer - English Setter cross. His tail is a little feathered, and his fur is longer than most pointers, and is very silky to touch, like a setter. He's a bit skinny from his time in the shelter, but is eating well. He had a boil between two toes, with a pretty serious Staph infection. When I took him to the vet, it was lanced, and I have been soaking it 2x/day and applying betadine, and he is on antibiotics to help clear it up. He started coming to Warren on the first day, so he apparently approves of his new name. He is VERY adoptable, but needs a fence with a lockable gate, and he needs to be taken to the dog park where he can RUN. He will benefit from work on leash skills, as apparently no one has ever taught him how to walk on a leash. Even so, he loves his walks. I think we are going to try the dog park soon. He could use a really good run.
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